
  • Five Lesser Known Uses For Computer Scanners

    Scanners are great tools for sending paper documents via the Internet or adding such documents to your cloud storage database. However, storing and sending paper work easily and efficiently is just one of many things that scanning can make easier. Unexpected uses for your computer scanner  1. Preserving and consolidating old photos. If you have photos from the 20th century that are on paper or slides, scanning these images can help keep them from fading, water damage or yellowing—all hazards that can destroy your photographic memories.
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  • Tiny House Off-Grid Living: 3 Advantages Of A Satellite Two Way Radio

    The rise of tiny houses has completely changed the way people live. With modern technology and innovative features, tiny house owners have the ability to move off the grid and sustain a modern lifestyle. Even when living off the grid, you may need to stay in contact with other family members or have access to emergency needs. One way of doing this is with the purchase of a satellite two way radio.
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  • Troubleshooting Common Image Defect Problems With Your Laser Copier And Printer Combination

    There may be a lot of jokes among office folk about rallying around the copy machine to dilly-daddle around, but the truth of the matter is, the printer/copier that you have in your office space is probably one of the most important pieces of equipment you have as an office manager. If this machine is on the fritz, you will see a major drop in production and may even have some tasks that just cannot be completed in a timely manner.
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  • New Security Technology To Keep Your Business And The Public Safer

    Security systems and cameras can be found almost everywhere these days from shopping malls to the airport. As the world gets increasingly dangerous and less predictable, it's important for business locations and public buildings to provide the best security monitoring possible in order to keep people safe. Thanks to some new technological development in security equipment, improved measures can be taken to ensure a better, more secure environment.  Audio Monitoring
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