Six Goals You Should Advise Your Clients To Focus On When It Comes To Video Depositions

Posted on: 30 August 2021


A video deposition is often an important part of a court case. If your client needs to give a video deposition, you need to talk with your client about what their goals should be during the deposition to maximize chances of a favorable outcome in the case. The following are six goals you should advise your clients to focus on when it comes to attorney video depositions.

Being prepared

Clients should not go in for a video deposition without first having prepared with their attorney. As the attorney, you should go over all of the questions that your client is likely to be asked during the deposition. In this way, clients can prepare responses. Being prepared leads to better results and less stress from a video deposition. Preparing for a deposition should also involve reviewing details of the case in question as well as details of medical records or other pertinent evidence in the case. 

Relaxing while being questioned

Clients need to be sure that they won't get stressed out during their deposition. Getting stressed or flustered makes the experience more unpleasant and can lead to mistakes. Clients can avoid stress by showing up early and well-rested for their deposition. They can also avoid stress by asking their lawyer any questions they have before their deposition begins.

Answering all questions completely

Clients need to focus on providing a complete answer to every question during a deposition. Failing to fully answer questions can make it look like a client is holding back details. Failing to fully answer questions can also make it so that additional depositions need to be carried out down the road before a case can be resolved. 

Avoiding excess detail or long-winded answers

While answering questions completely is important, it's also important not to give unnecessary detail. Providing long-winded answers can make it so that the experience takes longer than it should have to. 

Remaining patient and professional

Undergoing a video deposition as a plaintiff can be a trying experience. Clients need to make sure they stay patient and polite throughout their entire deposition. 

Avoiding exaggeration or inaccuracies

Clients are often tempted to exaggerate details or give information on details about which they are not completely certain. It's essential to avoid exaggeration because this can make a client seem dishonest or unreliable. It's also essential that any details provided are accurate. Making mistakes in one's answers can also make a client appear unreliable, and this can compromise their case.